Thank you very much for submitting the video interview.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted and we would like to invite you for the final interview:
Date Sunday, 19 March 2023
Time 8.30am (Please arrive at least 15-20 minutes earlier to buffer time for registration)
Location 台北六福萬怡酒店 Courtyard By Marriott Taipei
For registration purpose, please confirm your attendance via this link latest by Thursday, 16 March 2023 @ 12noon. Failure to do so might result in denial of entry.
Note: Please ensure that you bring alongyour physical passport for verification and registration.
記得要先填寫資料表,Please print and fill up the application form attached and bring it with you on the day of interview.
【需要攜帶的文件正本與影本】:You are required to bring ALL the originals and photocopies of the following documents:
a. 身分證
b. 英文出生證明
c. 護照
d. 結婚證明(若有)
e. 英文戶籍謄本
g. 英文學歷證明or在學證明
h. 新冠疫苗接種證明
You are required to perform a self-administered ART within 24 hours prior to attending the interview. Please take a picture of your results and show it to us upon arrival. In the event that you are tested positive, please reply to this mail to inform us immediately and do not attend the interview.
Please note that you are required to be fully vaccinated to attend for this interview.
3/16 (四) 新加坡航空空服 面試指導活動 衝刺班:https://lihi1.com/XcBDi
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